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It can evoke many emotions, whether abstract or face of Jesus. The artist may define it as a tangible expression of faith. In any case, Christian Modern Art is beautiful, calming and inspires many Christians to pray and follow their belief in God.
Renderings of the Savior are a popular topic for the leading Christian artists. Thomas Kinkade is one who paints with deep feeling. Collectors buy his work more often than that of any other Christian artist.
There are paintings of Jesus with children and as a shepherd with his flock. His face has a kind, but sorrowful appearance. There are some of Him with the others being crucified on either side of Him. In one abstract the cross is painted in tiny squares of blue color against a bright background of red.
Crosses of gold are contrasted with multicolored backgrounds or outlined in blue. Poses of Jesus display His body language showing sorrow and defeat. In one series He is painted in red against a dark, black background.
Various bible verses are painted in attractive patterns. Some are bright and cheerful and others are dark and sad, depending on the tone of the verse. There is something to appeal to everyone since most Christians have a favorite bible verse.
Throughout history, the angels have been a favorite figure used by painters. They tend to be majestic, with outspread wings. Some are like caricatures that may appear as childrens cartoons. One is especially charming, in which a small winged angel flies above a man carrying a heavy burden on his back. The angels hands hold the burden, seemingly lifting the weight and helping him carry it.
Sometimes startling outbursts of color jump out at the eye from the abstracts. Lovely stylized flowers may bloom with blossoms growing towards heaven. Dark, monochrome pictures show Jesus on the cross. Each one is a personal rendition of the painters grief over the crucifixion.
As a joy and inspiration, they can have a different meaning to each person looking at them. Many show circles and some see this as the circle of life from birth to death. Others may see this circular pattern as a symbol of eternity.
These abstracts have a special meaning to the Christian looking at them, or collecting them. One artist uses a special method called painting with light. This is a unique medium that is done with a digital processing technique. These paintings bring happiness into the lives of those who view them.
Renderings of the Savior are a popular topic for the leading Christian artists. Thomas Kinkade is one who paints with deep feeling. Collectors buy his work more often than that of any other Christian artist.
There are paintings of Jesus with children and as a shepherd with his flock. His face has a kind, but sorrowful appearance. There are some of Him with the others being crucified on either side of Him. In one abstract the cross is painted in tiny squares of blue color against a bright background of red.
Crosses of gold are contrasted with multicolored backgrounds or outlined in blue. Poses of Jesus display His body language showing sorrow and defeat. In one series He is painted in red against a dark, black background.
Various bible verses are painted in attractive patterns. Some are bright and cheerful and others are dark and sad, depending on the tone of the verse. There is something to appeal to everyone since most Christians have a favorite bible verse.
Throughout history, the angels have been a favorite figure used by painters. They tend to be majestic, with outspread wings. Some are like caricatures that may appear as childrens cartoons. One is especially charming, in which a small winged angel flies above a man carrying a heavy burden on his back. The angels hands hold the burden, seemingly lifting the weight and helping him carry it.
Sometimes startling outbursts of color jump out at the eye from the abstracts. Lovely stylized flowers may bloom with blossoms growing towards heaven. Dark, monochrome pictures show Jesus on the cross. Each one is a personal rendition of the painters grief over the crucifixion.
As a joy and inspiration, they can have a different meaning to each person looking at them. Many show circles and some see this as the circle of life from birth to death. Others may see this circular pattern as a symbol of eternity.
These abstracts have a special meaning to the Christian looking at them, or collecting them. One artist uses a special method called painting with light. This is a unique medium that is done with a digital processing technique. These paintings bring happiness into the lives of those who view them.
About the Author:
Eric Jimenez is a freelancing lifestyle writer whose main passion is art. He loves discovering new contemporary artists. If you would like to learn more about Pictures Of The Last Supper he suggests you visit his friend at