Monday, September 7, 2015

A Background On Christian Rock Charlotte

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By Daphne Bowen

Christian rock has always been quite popular these days as this sub genre of music has been very much favored by people who love this kind of music but are Christians. Although there are a lot of controversies still surrounding Christian rock Charlotte, there is no doubt that this sub genre has created a big impact on the secular music world and is continuing to do so. Now for those who are quite curious of how this sub genre became popular, here is a brief look at the history.

Of course ever since the coming out of the rock genre, many Christians have been opposed to this music as they claim it to be the music of the devil due to its violent and sexual nature. It also did not help that many rockstars during that time were singing about sex, beating people up, revolution, and many other controversial topics. Of course there were also those unconventional Christian rockstars who enjoyed the hard beat and decided to change this mindset.

Now one of the very few bands that started this revolution is known as the Crusaders. Although initially they did not have that much popularity because of the anti rock mentality of most Christians, the band eventually became widely accepted, especially from the youth. This sparked the formation of many other bands that came into this sub genre.

One of the people who really made this sub genre fly was none other than Larry Norman who eventually became the father of Christian rock music. His influence as a musician and as a composer became so great that he became the influence of so many bands that came into this sub genre afterwards. Because of this man, many more popular bands came into the spotlight and further boosted the popularity of this type of music.

In the seventies, the scene was dominated by one of the most popular bands in the world known as Stryper. They were a glam metal band that professed about their religion and shouted it out with their glam vocals and spiffy guitar riffs. They quickly gained popularity not only in the religious sectors but also in the secular ones as well as even non Christians started listening to them as well.

In the eighties, the music world was dominated by the presence of thrash metal bands with the big four being Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth and Slayer. During the late eighties, one band came out with a Christian label known as Tourniquet and became popular for their thrash sound. In fact, they were also compared to the big four but were never placed there because of the complexity in their music.

When the nineties came, this sub genre became more mainstream. Alternative bands and punk bands like Relient K, Kutless, and many more started coming out. In fact, many mainstream bands who are Christians also use religious references in some of their songs.

Until today, many more bands are coming out and making a name for themselves. In fact, the growth of this type of music is known to be one of the most impressive. If one would in fact travel to Charlotte SC, he will see so many small bands starting out.

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