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A review of anime movie trends will reveal that some of the most entertaining and creative productions in the world are animated movies. The term anime often leaves one thinking they are similar to the normal cartoon characters the rest of the world is used to. However, these Japanese movies are often different, and pleasantly so. Presenting an anime review show, therefore, requires one to understand their history and what sets them apart from mainstream movies.
Ask any animes fan why they love them and the answer given will be because they are different. The very structure of the movies is different from mainstream animations and even live action movies. Most have teenagers and teenage characters, yet the themes in such a movie are complex.
Most of the people watching often say the movies are animated but appear real. But the difference goes far deeper than the fundamental nature of those movies. Many animated movies are not as cliche as the Hollywood animation or live action movies are. In Hollywood, there is an obsession with happy endings, the boy getting the girl, and riding happily into the sunset to live cheerfully ever after. This is not always the case in Japanese animated movies.
Real life does not always happen as planned, and this makes it easier for people to identify with Japanese movies because of the feeling that they are more realistic. Animes are not just restricted to local fans and a few international fanatics. Not many people realized it, but while everyone was not looking, Japanese popular culture grew to become one of the biggest alternatives to popular American movie culture.
The success achieved by animes has encouraged game developers and toy manufacturers to conquer the world. Japan is famous for animes, but one could ask why animes and not more mainstream genres like live action and the normal animation and cartoons. The answer lies in the economics of it all.
Gone are the days when the Japanese cinema industry could compete with Hollywood on an equal footing. The money available in Hollywood makes it hard to compete, and many talented directors therefore branched in the cheaper and steadier animes. Another reason that animated film production is so popular is the Manga culture. Even the adults in Japan, men and women alike, are Manga fanatics in ways that are unimaginable to American adults and their comic books.
In Japan, even the adults are Manga fans. American adults are not nearly into comic books as the Japanese are into their Manga. Most of famous animated movies are inspired by popular Manga comics, and so the evolution was only a natural step. There is often huge pressure to conform to certain looks or stereotypes associated with race or gender. In animes, there is true freedom to look any way.
There are no Caucasians, Hispanics, blacks or Asians, only characters as the designer and director desire. This freedom shifts the focus of audiences from the character and their representations, towards the issues and problems they tackle. In fact, there is an increase in the use of female protagonists in many recent Japanese animated movies. People enjoy unique and different movies.
Ask any animes fan why they love them and the answer given will be because they are different. The very structure of the movies is different from mainstream animations and even live action movies. Most have teenagers and teenage characters, yet the themes in such a movie are complex.
Most of the people watching often say the movies are animated but appear real. But the difference goes far deeper than the fundamental nature of those movies. Many animated movies are not as cliche as the Hollywood animation or live action movies are. In Hollywood, there is an obsession with happy endings, the boy getting the girl, and riding happily into the sunset to live cheerfully ever after. This is not always the case in Japanese animated movies.
Real life does not always happen as planned, and this makes it easier for people to identify with Japanese movies because of the feeling that they are more realistic. Animes are not just restricted to local fans and a few international fanatics. Not many people realized it, but while everyone was not looking, Japanese popular culture grew to become one of the biggest alternatives to popular American movie culture.
The success achieved by animes has encouraged game developers and toy manufacturers to conquer the world. Japan is famous for animes, but one could ask why animes and not more mainstream genres like live action and the normal animation and cartoons. The answer lies in the economics of it all.
Gone are the days when the Japanese cinema industry could compete with Hollywood on an equal footing. The money available in Hollywood makes it hard to compete, and many talented directors therefore branched in the cheaper and steadier animes. Another reason that animated film production is so popular is the Manga culture. Even the adults in Japan, men and women alike, are Manga fanatics in ways that are unimaginable to American adults and their comic books.
In Japan, even the adults are Manga fans. American adults are not nearly into comic books as the Japanese are into their Manga. Most of famous animated movies are inspired by popular Manga comics, and so the evolution was only a natural step. There is often huge pressure to conform to certain looks or stereotypes associated with race or gender. In animes, there is true freedom to look any way.
There are no Caucasians, Hispanics, blacks or Asians, only characters as the designer and director desire. This freedom shifts the focus of audiences from the character and their representations, towards the issues and problems they tackle. In fact, there is an increase in the use of female protagonists in many recent Japanese animated movies. People enjoy unique and different movies.
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