Thursday, April 7, 2016

Ways To Overcome Social Injustices Worldwide

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By Deborah Gray

Treating citizens in a technique that is unfair is wrong. Discrimination of people because of the culture, political stand, religion or ethnic group they belong to is unacceptable. Homophobia is where one expresses hatred towards the sexual minority. Ageism is where you find the old getting discriminated and denied civil rights. Let us focus on how we can overcome social injustices worldwide.

Most common form of injustice in the society is poverty. In this globe, we have the enormously rich whereas on the same globe we the extremely unfortunate persons living miserable lives. They are short of basic needs. Leaders in our society should create long lasting solution which can facilitate in bridging the gap between the rich and the poor.

Martin Luther Ling stated clearly that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice anywhere. Another injustice affecting the society is gender inequality. People view women as just objects. Due to this, rape takes often especially in India. It should be compulsory for everyone to treat women with respect and giving them rights to vote and let their voices heard. In countries where women are not appreciated, action should be taken against them.

Parents are dying in our society on a daily bases. Those who get affected most are the children left behind. Due to the poverty rate and lack someone to take care of them, they hit the streets for survival. Some end up in childrens home where there are people to take good care of them. Those in the streets depend on passersby for survival. All governments should come up with strategies to take good care of these kids.

In many job application forms, there is usually a place you are supposed to declare your ethnicity. Indirectly, this is a term of injustice because some of these employers will offer the job to a certain ethnic group rather than having a fare consideration to all applicants. The people and leaders should all unite and fight for unity among all because achievement does not have color.

Abuse of kids is made physically, vocally and sexually. This practice is common worldwide. Relevant authorities need to prosecute offenders and create laws which will help get rid of such cases. Many kids dump school due to abuse they are going through. Leaders should educate people on the need for education and move into curbing child abuse as having a civilized society helps eliminate these behaviors.

Up to today, sex trafficking is a regular exercise. Those affected are mostly ladies and the under aged girls. The traffickers get money for this act. The girls get sold to men whose aim is using them to satisfy their sexual needs. This is act that should not be tolerated and the offenders should be jailed as it goes against all right that defend any human being.

Warring states have lead to people losing lives in large numbers leaving behind their loved in state of grieve. This is can be termed as unfairness its avoidable if the wars can be brought to an end forever. This can be applicable only if leaders and people commit themselves and unite and saying no to wars and create peace.

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