Sunday, January 3, 2016

How To Have Fun With Words

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By Jessica Stone

Language is such an interesting subject matter. It is how we communicate between one another and it's very important to have a good understanding of how language works and can be manipulated in order to develop a strong set of skills in this arena, which can be very helpful in life overall. Learning how to have fun with words can be a great way to develop such skills.

These are some great games to play with the entire family, for kids and adults alike. Word games not only test the brain and put it to work to find a solution; they also can be lots of fun when a twist is added, such as rhyming or other tricks. There is so much one can do to play with words.

Many of the best word games are played using the alphabet as a starting point or as a guideline throughout. One example of such is to choose a subject like countries or animals, and then have each player try to name something that begins with the next letter of the alphabet as the game progresses. So, the first player will use the letter A for their answer, the next will answer using the letter B at the beginning of the word, and so on.

To make things even more challenging and trickier for the brain, switch it up by taking the last letter from the previous player's answer and using it as the starting letter for the next answer. This can turn out to be super fun for everyone, trying to stump one another. Adding a time limit will only heighten the tension.

Make games like these more age appropriate for children by letting them use paper. 'Name, Animal, Place, Thing' is a good example of a simple game that exercises their brains quite a bit. Each heading is written across the top of the page, with the alphabet running down the side of the page.

Set the timer for each player to fill in as much of the grid as possible with a different word for each category. This is a game than can be played in a social setting or even in an academic setting. It's a great way to get the young ones thinking and also keep them quiet!

There of lots of ways to take a word game to the next level for more of a challenge. Rhyming is an example, and something that can really stump players. Try putting different words on pieces of paper and everyone has to choose a piece of paper and rhyme with that word four times? Or how about making them use the word in a poem right then and there?

Other tricks and styles in language can add to the fun besides rhyming. What about using puns, double entendres or onomatopoeia, which is the name for words that reflect the sound something makes? Tongue twisters can be especially difficult and equally funny; whoever says them the fastest wins. Or find the longest word and see who can make the most smaller ones using its letters?

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